The Indoor Hunting Cat Feeder is a complete bowl replacement for one cat. Instead of filling the bowl twice a day, fill and hide the three (3) Doc & Phoebe Mice morning and night. Your cat will hunt, catch, and play with many small meals day and night, as nature intended. Decrease anxiety, reduce the instance of scarf and barf, end early wake up calls from a hungry cat, and correct your litter box woes by hiding these easy and fun feeders.
Each Doc & Phoebe’s Indoor Hunting Feeder Includes:
- 1 Trainer complete with multiple dispensing holes
- 3 Feeders each with two dispensing holes - designed for any size kibble
- 3 Feeder Skins to simulate the tactile feel of prey allowing your cat to grab, claw and use its teeth as it would in the hunt
- 1 Scoop to hold 1.6 tablespoons (approx. 1/6th the daily ration of an average 10-pound cat)
Cats are great but we all know the many downsides - aggression, scarf and barf, night waking, etc. Bowl feeding causes these problems. A cat’s stomach is the size of a ping-pong ball - the size of a mouse. That’s no coincidence. In nature, cats spend 80% of their waking hours hunting for food. Cats need to hunt catch and play with multiple small meals day and night. Without it, they act out.
The Benefits of Hunting:
Prevent Bad Behavior - Cats redirect the hunting instinct into bad cat behavior. Exercising natural hunting instinct improves your cat’s mood and preserves your furniture.
Sleep Through the Night - Your cat will hunt for feeders at night, instead of hunting you!
Stop Scarf and Barf - Your cat’s stomach is the size of a ping-pong ball. Hunting multiple small portions eliminates scarf and barf.
Litter Box Solutions - Cats show distress by peeing outside of the litterbox. Hunting feeders relieve stress and can eliminate this terrible problem.
Weight Management - Portion Control + Exercise = Healthy Weight
Prevent Boredom - Your cat will happily spend the day hunting, receiving much-needed exercise.